The Fam


Roy Martínez

Head Unicorn Wrangler


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Pablo Calderón

Geek Squat Agent

Head of Schmoozing

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Jose Calvo

Tech Guru

Full Stack Pancake

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María Kinderson

Head Hacker - Rain Maker


Thank you, we would be forever humbled.

As 2020 had an effect on all of us, the team decided to take advantage of the opportunity to step back, take a break to recharge, renew and rebuild. We know you will miss us, and we cannot be more humbled by your love and support. We hope we can come back soon and share good news of our new adventures. We continue to push for a better world where science and technology are accessible to everyone, and level the playing field for people with disabilities. Lastly, we wanted to say goodbye with some pictures we found that the team likes. We hope you enjoy it as well.